Our client currently is using the plugin with SSO enabled and their WordPress site controls the users. We have added some custom work to adjust user trust levels in Discourse to distinguish between members and non-members (MemberPress is being used) but apart from that everything is out of the box.
My query is this: if the client now wishes to make the forum public (anyone can access regardless of whether they are a user/member on the WordPress install) but still wishes WordPress users to automatically be signed up to the forum is it safe to imply disable SSO? What are the implications of this? I’m expecting users will need to run through a password reset or similar on the Discourse side?
Any information would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance,
You can disable sso and users will have to generate passwords with the forgot password feature. And WordPress users will no longer be automatically logged in.
Is there anything in place, for instance, where we can append some parameters to a query string on the forum URL to auto login users from WordPress (we already have users being created in Discourse automatically when a user is created in WordPress). I’m just thinking of the easiest way to enable auto-login without SSO.