How to Disable The New "Added By..." that's added into the Staff Notices Feature?

I noticed that we now have a new change in staff notices where an “Added by Name-of-staff” is systematically added to the staff notice that’s added by the staff or the admin.

However, in our use case, there are staff notices where we don’t need nor want to include this additional enforced ‘Added by Name’:

  1. When it has been a while for a staff to make a post there’s an automated staff notice: “Person hasn’t made their post in a while…etc” or if it’s their first post “Made their first post, welcome them to the community”, which I change to the position and role of that staff. For example, I remove the automated staff notice and I update it to something like “Person is a Product Manager in the Analytics Team.” Therefore, in this case, I don’t want it to be “Person is a Product Manager in the Analytics Team (Added by @gassim)” :cry:
  2. When the post is a follow-up post with resources, slides, or recording, I or one of the staff reply with the links to the resources, and above it I add a staff notice such as " :video_camera: Recording" and I don’t want it to show " :video_camera: Recording (Added by @gassim)"

In the above use case, it’s not relevant for us to include the name. If we really need to figure out who added the staff notice, we can use Data Explorer or from the Admin > log > Staff actions - Action: ‘add staff note’.

If we want staff to include the (Added by) we can do that manually in the case that we do want to include that.

Is there a way to disable this new feature?

Thank you!

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There is no setting solution for this. You can achieve this with some javascript, though:

In your theme or a new theme component, add the following in the JS tab:

import { apiInitializer } from "discourse/lib/api";
import { schedule } from "@ember/runloop";

export default apiInitializer((api) => {
  const current = api.getCurrentUser();
  if (!current || !current.staff) {

  // Removes anything after the first paragraph 
  // containing the staff notice.
  api.decorateCookedElement((element, helper) => {
    const post = helper?.getModel();
    if (!post || !post.notice) {

    schedule("afterRender", () => {
      const postNoticeMessage = document.querySelector(
        `article[data-post-id="${}"] .post-notice-message`

      if (postNoticeMessage) {

It should be good enough.

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I will note that these “added by” are only shown to fellow staff, so regular users will not see them.


Thanks Bas, good point!

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