Disaster management for standalone discourse instance

Hi, I can not use Digital Ocean as none of there payment gateway is not working for my country and its not easy to get credit card in my country. So I installed discourse on AWS EC2 using docker image and AWS SES for smtp (as it is lot cheaper than all the recommended services).
For failure recovery, I tried to use AWS RDS postgres and modified app.yml accordingly but it throws

rake db:migrate failed

error. I tried but it doesn’t seem to work. So I have only one option of putting everything in single instance (which works BTW) but what if this instance goes down. How to mange this problem?

We don’t see many “disasters” on standalone instances in practice. If you have daily backups configured, and shipped to S3, you can easily set up a new Discourse instance in (way) less than 24 hours anywhere in the cloud and restore your daily backup there.

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How to configure discourse for daily backup to s3?

Read the relevant #howto topic; try searching.

I am sorry :grimacing: