Discard or keep editing pop up on mobile

In November, the pop-up to choose whether you want to delete, save, or continue to edit your draft looked like this:

Now it looks like this in English:

And in German like this:

I really miss the old view because the buttons all had the same size, and their position did not depend on the interface language.

The desktop version also changed, but because the screen is not that narrow, the difference is minor.
New version:

Old version:


You could add the following CSS to get the desired behavior (source:stack-overflow):

@media screen and (max-width: 500px) {
    .d-modal__footer {
        flex-direction: column;
        button {
            width: 100%;
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Unfortunately, adding css only works if you are an admin. I’ll have to wait for a change in core.

User or Group CSS would be an interesting feature.

It would be interesting to know if someone succeeded in injecting user CSS into Discourse on Android or iOS.