I have noticed one user being stuck on discobot tutorial. When I check his discussion with discobot, I have noticed that he did not pass “capybara” step.
Then, I have noticed on Dashboard, that there were searches for “capybara” (with quotes). When I tried to search on discobot topic for “capybara”, I was surprised to see, that it was not found?!
I would expect that this would work, particularly as users might just copy text from discbot reply.
What is the difference if you use “” on single word search? I would suspect for them to behave the same.
Here on meta, it works both with and without quotes for me – either curly or plain ASCII, and scoped to topic, or whole site.
Try searching for the word a l b a c o r e without the spaces (don’t enter that word here, there is only one hit for it on meta, by design). Add quotes, curly quotes, same results.
I noticed that it finds the right post in topic, just the extracted text does not include previewed text with “capybara” - and this is why I (and the user) might be confused as that search did not find it)
@tgxworld can have a quick look, highlighting is done by postgres, my guess is that we are not removing " before asking the highlighter to do its thing so it is attempting to highlight the word "capybara" and not finding it.
Very extremely low priority, better results is much more important than better excerpt. Also ts_headline can not work anyway cause of the things we do with index as far as I remember. We do some word “explosions” like www.domain.com becomes www.domain.com domain.com in the index so ts_headline will go all freaky.