Discobot not greeting new patreon users?

No worries. I will check few other sites and let you know.



This should fix the issue. Let me know if the problem persist.


Awesome! Thank you! When Discourse prompts me to update, I’ll test it out! :slight_smile:


Did it fix your issue?

Unfortunately, it does not look like it. I updated my site shortly after that last message, and a new Patron has joined and didn’t get the Greetings! message.

I’m 90% sure that Patron joined after I updated my install, but I’m not 100% sure at this point. He joined 10 days ago, and I updated on the same day as the last Discourse update emails went out, but I didn’t mark that day on my calendar. So, I think I updated more than 10 days ago, but since I didn’t mark that day, and since only one patron has joined since then, I didn’t want to jump to any conclusions.

I wanted to wait until a few more patrons joined before I was sure. Perhaps a few more will join in the coming weeks. I’ll look again in a month.

Thank you for checking in. :slight_smile:

Maybe I should check this again. It worked for me in local. But I didn’t test it in production. I will do it now in other active sites.


How did your research go on this?

I’ve had a few new users, and as far as I can tell, it still doesn’t seem to be working for my Patrons.

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Currently, I am working on other customer-related tasks. Anyway, it is still on my list. And I will try to check this week itself.


@alexwoolfson I pushed a few commits last week to fix this issue. It’s working and the new Patrons are now getting the “Greetings” PM.


Thank you, @vinothkannans. That’s good news. :slight_smile:

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