Ever wonder how many of your pageviews came from crawlers? What about anonymous users versus logged in? Replacing the old table based data from the old dashboard is a brand new stacked column graph for quick at a glance data. Need specifics, hover over a specific date to see the exact pageview count from each source.
Content Security Policy (CSP) is now default on for new sites
CSP, a security policy which helps mitigate Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks was first added to Discourse back in beta6. As of this beta, CSP will be enabled by default for all new sites. For all the details, including how to configure your policy if you use ads or other external scripts, see
Consolidate like notifications
Does your site have that one user that likes every single post? The one who causes your notifications to overflow when you wake up in the morning? Good news! Discourse now merges sequential likes from the same user, helping keep your notification history happy. By default, sequential likes will be merged if there are 5 or more, and they happen within 2 hours of each other. This can be configured via the likes_notification_consolidation_threshold and likes_notification_consolidation_window_mins site settings.
User Deletion Improvements
Deleting a user is generally a âlast resortâ action taken on a site. Not only is it completely irreversible, it also can break topics where the user participated, as their posts are all removed as well. For that reason alone, we strongly recommend anonymizing users to remove all their personal info, while keeping their posts (no longer associated with them) in tact. When a long-time user does need to be deleted, it can fail as there is so much data associated with the user. Weâve made a number of changes to improve the performance of long-time user deletion. If you have issues deleting a long-time user even after deleting all their posts, please let us know in support.
Support for localized themes
Themes are a powerful way to customize the look and feel of your Discourse site. Some themes go beyond layout and color changes, and add new buttons, or other elements that include text. Discourse now supports localized themes, so you can create your theme once and have it work in all the languages you translate it to. For more details, check out FEATURE: Support for localized themes (#6848) ¡ discourse/discourse@880311d ¡ GitHub, and keep and eye open for a topic here on Meta with more details soon.
But wait, thereâs more! We do our best to highlight new features and changes for you, but thereâs always too many changes to detail. For a full list of new features, bug fixes, UX improvements, and more, be sure to review the Additional Features and Fixes listed below.
Security Updates
This beta includes 1 security fix for issues reported by our community and HackerOne.