關於Discourse AI

大家好,本人安裝了Discourse AI插件但未能設定和使用!本人閱讀了好幾次英文版Discourse AI 說明書但也未能掌握其設定。
因本人是self-hosting ,哪我是不是需要自行用docker 架設AI ! 例如:toxicity


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Have you also followed the necessary steps in Discourse AI - Self-Hosted Guide?

正是如此,Module Providers里提到的所有Processor为Discourse的功能都需要自己用docker架设AI

That’s right. All the functions of Processor: Discourse mentioned in Module Providers require you to use docker to set up AI.

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docker run -d --rm --gpus all --shm-size 1g   -p 8080:80   -v /mnt:/data   -e GPTQ_BITS=4   -e GPTQ_GROUPSIZE=32   -e REVISION=gptq-4bit-32g-actorder_True   ghcr.io/huggingface/text-generation-inference:latest   --model-id TheBloke/Upstage-Llama-2-70B-instruct-v2-GPTQ   --max-batch-prefill-tokens=12000   --max-total-tokens=12000   --max-input-length=10000   --quantize=gptq   --sharded=true   --num-shard=$(lspci | grep NVIDIA | wc -l | tr -d '\n')   --rope-factor=2

Error response from daemon: could not select device driver “” with capabilities: [[gpu]].