Discourse Chatbot 🤖

‘every’ post? Or only those with a keyword? Are those two different requirements?

Perhaps you could mention Chatbot in the predefined response and the bot will follow up? That would mean two Posts but might work.

So if your predefined response was “@Chatbot (or whatever you’ve renamed it to) please handle this” then Chatbot would follow up. Obviously you can tailor that response.

Note Chatbot can respond to whispers too (if you configure it so), so if the predefined response was in a whisper then normal users would only see the Chatbot response which might look neater.

I’m open to extending the capability of Chatbot if you wish to hire me to do so, so long as we can come up with a sufficiently generic solution that would be useful to others, but it makes sense to leverage what exists I think?

I wonder if the best action here is to add a Whisper capability to the AI Post Classifier? You could hire someone to PR that or raise it as a feature and hope it gets prioritised. That would undoubtedly be genericly useful?