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No, they are not for Matomo. If you think it is because it has the official tag, then I get your confusion.

An official tag means it’s officially supported by the Discourse devs, right? Not plug and play ready without any configuration or (legal) worries. Which seems to be the reason to not give it the official tag according to you and Stephen?

To me the official tag just tells me that this plugin is tested by the devs with new releases and I don’t have to worry about breaking changes when I upgrade Discourse.

Maybe it’s better if @tshenry answers this question? Because like you already noted, you’re not the one to ask or answer this question. @tshenry is there a reason why this component isn’t official yet? Is that because the component is not deemed as mature/stable/important or something like that? Or is that because the official tag may give admins the feeling that just this component will magically give GDPR compliance and you don’t want to create this miscommunication?