Discourse dev install script may need upgrade

In the install guide It tells you to run:

bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/discourse/install-rails/master/linux)

On Ubuntu 22.04.1 the install fails with:

E: Unable to locate package libwebp6

The solution is to change it to libwebp7 in the script, but it is annoying to download and edit the two scripts. Could Ubuntu 22.04.1 be supported in the script?

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I think it will be updated, thanks for mentioning that.

I encountered a similar issue a few months ago and fixed the script for my own purpose.

The installation script was later fixed by Discourse.

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Also as far as I can tell, it’s installing an unsupported version of ruby? It says it discourse needs a ruby version of 3.1 or higher.

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I moved this from Install Discourse on Ubuntu for Development - #582 so the replies won’t automatically disappear after a month.


If you’re willing to, you can still do a pull request. They’ll review it before merging to see if that doesn’t break anything.

Ok, I might take a little time and do that. Hmm, there seems to be some requests already open, just not merged.

Some of those pull requests have been open for nearly a year and would fix my problems. Is there anything that can be done to call attention to them?

I’ll ask the dev team tomorrow :v:, time to go to bed for me :fr: :slight_smile:


Hi @GameDungeon, sorry for the delay.
I sent the information to the related team and it will be taken care of :slight_smile:

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One important one got merged. One of these two also would need to be merged and it would be working in my pov. These both do the exact same thing:

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Can confirm this as I tried it myself. I informed the developers :+1:


I put a pr-welcome here on improving our documentation, help from the community is welcome.


I will note, that in this case, the PRs exist, they just are not being merged.


Thanks … merged both of the PRs, anything else left here?