Discourse Emails not threaded properly in some Email clients

Hi @riking ,
Could you describe how to create the situation where a post is referring to posts both above and below it? I did some stuffing around in our discourse install and couldn’t replicate that behaviour.

To answer your question: In-Reply-To should point to the previous post made IF the current post quotes it, or the OP if it doesn’t.

On this subject, I’ve seen [topic reply] @codinghorror comment that “All topic replies are conceptually “in reply to” the topic, though.” which he has repeated in [always topic] and recently in [flat replies] - its definitely the established view!

[topic reply]

[always topic]

[flat replies]

While true to an extent, when discourse is being used as a mailing list replacement the expectation that posts are linear is no longer true and it would be good for the headers to support that use case.
They almost do now!
