Discourse for Academic Use Features (Done and to be Done)

I want to have a special topic about how to use Discourse for Academic Use.

1. What we already have?

Markdown Supporting.

Html Supporting

OneBox Feature

MathJax Supporting with plugin.

 - git clone https://github.com/kasperpeulen/discourse-mathjax

I have to say it was conflict with another plugin “iframe”. If you have iframe plugin, you have to delete it.

Also another plugin can do it:

Footnote and Reference


DOI resolver


Print long topic to PDF, etc


Outside Websites Support(Boxes & etc.)

  1. github.com support
  2. arxiv support

Plotting Tools

CCS support

Team Topics

2. What we want to have?


P.S. You can reply me about the functions that you think are important for academic use in discourse and whether it has been developed already or in developing.