Discourse in a closed intranet

Thank you, you’ve been a great help. I think my biggest hurdle will be the gem bundle install. Besides making a local mirror of the rubygems.org which would take gigs of data, I’m struggling to replicate that it my environment

What I did to install Discourse in a closed intranet was setting a proxy (environment variables like http_proxy, https_proxy, etc) pointing to my local machine, doing the install and removing the proxy afterwards.


I don’t have that option, but there may be a rubygem mirror in the environment that I can point towards.

Is it not as simple as running ./launcher bootstrap app on a connected machine and copying over the Docker image (which one apparently can’t do today :slight_smile: ).

Yes, it really should be. It’s how we do it here a CDCK (albeit the hosting servers are Internet-connected, but they don’t use the network for anything other than downloading the image).


A post was split to a new topic: How to install Discourse on an isolated CentOS 7 server