Hi, I’m a teacher so I need Discourse to have a “Like or Reply to reveal the post”, a plugin that requires user to like and/or reply in order to see the content
Something similar to this https://github.com/erickguan/discourse-reply-required
(But the one above is deprecated and does not work with the current Discourse version)
Imagine it like this: The first post of a topic will be kind of like my question of the day, and students will need to reply in order to see the rest of the posts. I don’t want them to see other students’ replies before they submit their own answers. They need to work on the problem first, submit, and then check and vote for others
With the “Like” function in some other cases, I will post a lesson, then I want to see how many have viewed it so they will need to “Like” or love the post in order for the posts’ contents to appear
My students and I thank you for your help, and after coding you can post it up to Github for the community to use. I think this is a much needed feature!
When do you need it done?
What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?
Thank you so much for replying! Wow such a revelation, I have heard about your plugin before but the way it is named made me think that it is for private messages, not topics. Cool to know now!
Ouff, 300$ at this point would be a huge amount for our budget. I know it might be fair for your part, but the exchange rate in our country makes this amount quite extreme and does not allow us to afford it. Thanks anyway.
Regarding the data explorer thing, I hope that there could be a plugin for this to do it more intuitively and also I need the info to be viewable by other users as well. The point of this is for students to sort of “attendance check” the learning sets in the forum, and perform teamwork activities and peer checking, and data explorer would mean that only I (the admin) can view it, not the students themselves.
It’s now possible to make data explorer queries available to groups other than staff.
You might be able to find someone familiar with Rails, Ruby, or programming in general who could customize Richard’s plugin for a price more suitable for your local economy. I recommend that you try it out and see what changes would be required for it to meet your needs. It might not be too difficult for someone you know to be able to customize for you.
Hi all, I’m still looking for someone to do this, perhaps at a better price point? You can have your proposals. I have been posting this on Freelancer.com but I think this is the best place to do this
UPDATE: I will try my best to fund this and is looking for offers of around 100$. Hopefully it will get people more interested. Thank you for your understanding!