Discourse Memberful integration

I’m not sure, you’ll probably have to import them into memberful and I think it would sync by email, I would reach out to memberful to find out the best path forward.


Will do, thanks for the help in this one.

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Still got my doubts about the mandatory SSO with Memberful, to register as users on Discourse does it has to be done with Memberful SSO?, not sure if this could work if i use Wordpress SSO with Discourse but let users register with a free account to post only on Discourse, and registered members with Memberful get access to private groups.

You can allow free signups with memberful alongside paid plans. Give it a try on my site if you like https://npn.memberful.com/register It automatically creates a user in memberful, Wordpress, and Discourse that are all synced.


Hi, Memberful and Discourse appear to have a conflict between each other.

Discourse only allows automatic logins via Memberful if the Discourse setting “Login Required” is turned ON.

For communities that are only accessible to paid members, this is a good solution.

However, for freemium communities, or communities that have both a paid membership and a free membership for whatever reason, it means that the automatic login functionality is broken. This makes it hard for anyone to log in to the community.

One option would be to disconnect Memberful and Discourse. Then, manually update permissions in Discourse when a new paid member joins the community (and sell paid memberships via Stripe, ConvertKit, etc.).

However, it’d be ideal if there was a way for Memberful to enable the automatic login even when the Discourse setting “Login Required” is OFF.

I welcome any thoughts/suggestions.

Is the problem that users are clicking a link to your Discourse site from Memberful and not being automatically logged in, or is the problem with users who are visiting the Discourse site directly and are unsure about how to login to Discourse?

The first problem could be solved on the Memberful end if they used this structure for links they create to Discourse: Create a DiscourseConnect login link. I don’t have a Memberful account, so I’m unsure what gets displayed on their end.

I’m not sure what could be done to improve the second scenario. The way it’s expected to work seems straightforward to me. Clicking the “Log In” link on Discourse should automatically log any users who are logged into your Memberful site to Discourse. If the user who clicks the button isn’t logged into Memberful, they should be taken through the Memberful login flow, then automatically redirected back to Discourse. It would be good to know if this isn’t working as expected, or if it is, but users are still having trouble figuring out how to log in.


Thanks @simon!

Here’s the new member flow right now:

Ways this could be much better:

  1. Create a new account, get redirected to the community, and you’re logged in.

  2. If the email needs to be verified: When you get the new member email, just click on the blue “Sign In” button, and be automatically logged into the community. (Don’t go to Memberful at all).

On the potential assumption/guess that #2 is the required option, is there anything Memberful can do to configure the Sign In link in that email so that the new member is sent to the community and is logged in?

I appreciate all assistance.

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Yes, there are a couple of places that Memberful could use a login link in the form that’s shown in this topic: Create a DiscourseConnect login link. I’ve messaged you about this because I ran into a couple of issues when going through the signup process on your site.

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Thanks to @simon’s help, and the friendly team at Memberful, this is solved.

The key insight was to use this link: https:/[Discourse Community Site]/session/sso]

I placed that link in both the settings for the Free Registration plan and in the global redirect for sign-ins:

I also added this link by customizing their " New free member created" email.

Using this link makes for a seamless login experience with Discourse, and keeps new members from being confused by either:

  1. Being redirected to the Discourse site but not being logged in, or
  2. Being directed to their Memberful profile page, but not knowing how to get to the Discourse site.
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