Discourse Open edX SSO Connector

I have just published a beta version, of an open edx plugin app to integrate with discourse.
It’s an indentical implementaion to WP Discourse – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org but instaed for wordpress its for Open edX LMS.

From the repo readme.md

The purpose of this project is exactly the following:

You are using Open edX and you want to use discourse.org as place where learners and teachers can communicate. But you don’t want the users to have two accounts, for the open edx and discourse forum

By using this plugin, you can let your Open edX utilize, the SSO (single-sign-on) of discourse, thus when users access the forum they will be redirected to the LMS to authticate, and then redirect back the forum if success.

For more information how to install, use…etc check github repo GitHub - zaatdev/discourse-openedx-sso: An Open edX plugin app, to integrate with discourseconnect sso.