Hi there,
we are using the OpenID Connect Authentication Plugin with a Discourse installation on AWS.
We have deployed the containers Discourse, Discourse Sidekiq and Redis (Based on Bitnami but please don’t kick me out ;). The DB is running on AWS RDS. We use KeyCloak.
Things do run.
But sometimes after a restart of the Discourse AWS Task it happens that it thinks that it has the Discovery document in the cache but then there is no doc there. And it does not try to re-retrieve it from KeyCloak:
OIDC Log: Discovery document loaded from cache
OIDC Log: Discovery document is
(oidc) Request phase initiated.
(oidc) Authentication failure! openid_connect_discovery_error: OmniAuth::OpenIDConnect::DiscoveryError, Discovery document is missing
In the browser app I see: Unable to fetch configuration from identity provider. Please try again.
What can you advise ?