Discourse Publishing Failure Error 403

Is the Discourse username field set for the user who is publishing the post? If it is set, it needs to exactly match the username that is used on Discourse.

If that doesn’t solve the issue, have you selected the Use Full Post Content option on WP Discourse? That option is found on the Publishing settings tab. If it is selected, try de-selecting it and see if you still get problems when you try to publish an excerpt instead of a full post.

Is the Discourse username field set for the user who is publishing the post? If it is set, it needs to exactly match the username that is used on Discourse.

If that doesn’t solve the issue, have you selected the Use Full Post Content option on WP Discourse? That option is found on the Publishing settings tab. If it is selected, try de-selecting it and see if you still get problems when you try to publish an excerpt instead of a full post.

Thanks for the reply Simon Cossar

I’m using the ‘Force Publish’ option under Publishing. And the ‘Publishing Username’ under Connection is changed from ‘system’ to my own username. Which of course still shows connected.

Under Publishing I have ‘Allow Tag’ checked, ‘Force Publish’ has also been checked, ‘Auto Track Published Topics’ is checked as well. ‘Custom Excerpt Length’ is set to 55.
The ‘Email Address for Failure Notification’ is set and does work. So I do get the publishing failure emails. And ‘Use Full Post Content’ is unchecked.
Also, the ‘Default Discourse Category’ is set to a known populated and working category.

And sadly, it still fails.

I should also note, I did change WP hosting providers. Verifying a curl test to ensure I can connect to Discourse, which was a problem after migrating.
And I was able to use the previous WP hosting provider to Publish to Discourse without issue.

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If you were able to post to Discourse before changing hosting providers, the move is likely related to the cause of the issue. Can you share the name of the hosting provider that you have moved the site to? Send it to me in a PM if you would rather not post it here.

Is your WordPress site served over HTTPS? Does your Discourse site have the force_https setting enabled?

It would seem so, since that is the only real change to the setup.

Refresh my memory, where would I see force_https on Discourse.?

Unless your Discourse site is hosted by us, you can find the setting by going to your site settings page and entering force https into the search box that’s near the top left of the page. If you site is hosted by us, the force https setting will have been enabled by us for your site.

Searching Discourse, there is no force https Setting available. For cost reasons, Discourse is hosted via DigitalOcean.

Wordpress username (which can not be change) should be exact same with discourse admin username for auto publishing.