Discourse Search and Link in Slack

Have you all thought about doing a /discourse “search” option in Slack so that people who spend their day in slack and need an answer or people who are asked a question they know is in Discourse can quickly search and link it?

Guru and Tettra come to mind as service (KB service) that do this. They also allow creation but I am not sure that would be best, but I am open to convincing.

So for example I would type /discourse how can I find cold beer and you would return search results (limited) and I could choose the best one and either go to read it or link it in the channel I am in.

The reason for this would mostly be for the Slack dwellers that we can never get to use any other tools. Mostly devs. We are thinking of this as we look at Discourse Internally.

If this plugin has this feature already, then I am embarrassed but happy.


This is interesting timing, because Stack Overflow have recently launched a Slack integration with search features.

It’s not an option in our current Slack integration, but it would be relatively easy to implement (certainly when compared to transcript posting!).

I think this would be #pr-welcome, if anyone would like to try it. It’s not currently on our development roadmap, but I’ll update this topic if that changes.

Yeah, I’m pretty convinced that we do not want people to be able to create or reply from topics from Slack. Discourse aims to promote long-form, considered discussion - I think creating a direct bridge to instant messaging would hurt that.

A middle ground could be some text at the bottom of the search results:

Didn’t find what you were looking for? Click here to create a topic on Discourse

(That would open the composer in a web browser, prepopulated with a title from the search query)


Love it! I think it would make a great addition to internal and external Discourse organizations.