Discourse should ignore if a character is accented when doing a search

Thanks Sam for merging! Just upgraded our forum and it works well.

I am quite confused about the second issue. I could not reproduce it in my dev environment, but it was definitely a problem on our production forum, even after upgrade. (and it was affecting new post titles as well) I eventually fixed it by rebuilding the Postgre index. i.e.

cd /var/discourse
./launcher enter app
rake search:reindex

@sam we’ve already discussed triggering the search index rebuild for everyone, but I am not sure that it happened. Perhaps now is a good time after my fix was merged.

FYI for others: outstanding issues related to search w/o diacritics:

  1. does not work for in-topic search
  2. diacritics should not be stripped from excerpts on the search page
    • need to make sure that “word-boldening” on search page works correctly after 2. is fixed