Removing diacritics when tokenizing for search does not work retroactively?

Continuing the discussion from Discourse should ignore if a character is accented when doing a search:

@zogstrip implemented a change to search which should now ignore accents. I did an upgrade and tried it out but it does not seem to work. Is it possible that it will only work for new posts? If so, is it possible to apply the fix retroactively i.e. rebuild the PG index?

Or maybe I am doing something wrong? btw: I upgraded via upgrade manager UI.


We need to bump the search version to force a reindex, I guess it is overdue since we had multiple search improvements lately

Once we bump the version it will take a few days for index to rebuild


Isn’t there also a rake task if they want to do it manually in the meantime?

Yeah there is a search reindex task

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If you don’t want to wait for @sam’s changes, SSH into your server and then

cd /var/discourse
./launcher enter app
rake search:reindex

Wohoo, works like a charm, thanks so much! :heart:


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