Personal branding for the splash screen

Discourse Splash was introduced back in July of 2022, since then, not many changes have been made or adjusted. Is there a roadmap or estimated time of arrival for the planned improvements and changes? I’ve seen quite a few posts asking for easy setting adjustments for this or even simple color changes.

Original Post


I’d like to be able to replace the dots with my own SVG animation.


I agree - that was one of the original suggestions and from what I can tell, there’s no way to do this without diving into the complicated logistics, if at all. A simple pulsing logo like you could change previously would be great.


It is not great because showing that blinking, sorry, pulsing logo happends only when your server is really slow or your visitors are suffering bad network :wink:


I have low network signal near my house so I see it all the time if I go for a walk and try to use my forum. Would love to customise it more.


Yeah a custom svg would help the experience quite a bit. I’m seeing the loading animation fairly frequently.

Can’t comment in the official thread because it’s closed now

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@Shauny @henvo Suggest you upvote then - not sure if that’s what Discourse uses to identify posts that are wanted by the community, but wouldn’t hurt. :eyes:

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It certainly helps. :+1:

After a certain amount of time, having a grab-bag bucket of ‘all feedback and suggestions in one topic’ just gets muddled and hard to track the different ideas and popularity/desirability of each one. Separate topics per suggestion is definitely much clearer for people to find and add their thoughts too (and vote for :slight_smile:), as well as for the relevant teams to review and track.

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