Discourse with Traefik 2.0

yep , see Run other websites on the same machine as Discourse but it looks like that discourse expect certain header information when the client speaks to proxy via https.

I’ve briefly read into it. I’ll try to translate in text understandable by the nine-to-five user.

yep, see also in Traefik Proxy HTTPS & TLS Overview |Traefik Docs - Traefik. In the beginning, I started with https straight away and certification creation went successful but that is it. Now I have to align it with the knowledge I have gained since then.

So you use https to reach your forum, don’t you?
Can you share the config of Traefik and Discourse? The more is shared the easier it gonna be for me on the weekend.
V1 to v2 guidance is given in Traefik V2 Migration Documentation - Traefik but I try to have it explained here on the weekend.