Hey there! I just set up Discourse and have some issues. I set the port to something different because I would like to use my apache2 Server as a proxy/reserse-proxy (I don’t know what’s the correct term)
When I try to start my Discourse instance, it prints this error to the logs and I can’t open Discourse:
Is there a way to just simply disable SSL, as I usually do SSL through apache2 anyways, since I can just easily use my .crt and .key files there. If not, a) how can I fix this issue (looks like a .cer file is missing, since there is no shared/ssl folder at all; how can I obtain that since I only have .crt and .key) and b) what would I have to do in the Vhost with the SSL if it’s already done by Discourse?
This is the parts regarding the proxying and SSL I’d normally use:
ProxyPass / http://<ip-of-discourse-vps>:<http port>/
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/<filename>.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/<filename>.key
If you want to disable SSL in Discourse, edit the app.yml file (/var/discourse/containers/app.yml) and remove the templates with SSL in the name on the first lines. After that issue a rebuild (./launcher rebuild app) and after the rebuild finishes Discourse will be HTTP only.
Do you mean the folder “log”? Because there is no folder “logs”. In that I have the folders var-log and rails both with multiple files in them. Which ones do I have to look at?
Also, I don’t know how curl works. (I would google, but I don’t know what exactly I have to do with curl, so I don’t know what to google)