Discourse Works!


After a long wait, some plugin creation, a few patches and a SSO implementation in LUA we launched our company internal community!

It’s a huge sucess, and we just started today!

Thanks for the software and support, and we hope to contribute with some enterprise-y features to core!



Just adding this here:

We are kind of a big instance, more users on last 7 days than the bigger discourse boards. And since we don’t work on weekends, last 7 days is only 5 days (and 30 days is maybe 21/22 days).

But our users are kinda of shy, we have a much lower users / posts ratio when compared to open Discourse boards.


Good thing Discourse also tracks & rewards read time! :wink: Would be interesting to hear about your averages there, and how many >5 pages read and things like that.


Users with > 5 topic entered: 2.800

And those 2.800 have, on average:

  • Read Time (seconds): 3518
  • Days Visited: 9.5
  • Post Read Count: 170
  • Likes Given: 2.7
  • Likes Received: 2.5

This is a very good data about user behavior, all with a simple query:

SELECT avg(time_read), avg(days_visited), avg(posts_read_count), 
       avg(likes_given), avg(likes_received), count(*)
  FROM user_stats
  WHERE topics_entered > 5

After enabling the e-mail system, the number got better a lot.

Digest e-mail are really powerful since they use the most interesting topics to advertise your forum.


Took me a bit to decipher those numbers, so:

Half of the last month’s activity was in the last week.

1 Like

Yes, this is what I’ve got after one week using the digests and other emails.

I was a bit worried to turn then on, since email policy is a bit strict, and our team bit the bullet last week, and the result is amazing.

We just need to rewrite the mail view because lotus notes is removing some CSS, maybe we can turn a Lotus notes compatible email into a PR.