Discourse Yearly Review

I got in Finnish :man_shrugging:

My yearly review was created automatically and in German.

(I enabled the plugin today and waited for the job to run)

Hm that is strange… Especially because it affected all three instances. Or do I need to set a special flag somewhere for the language? Maybe also something important for other things?

The review was created in my forum’s language, but on another forum where I forgot to enable the plugin, I created the topic via the rails console and the topic was created in English instead of using the forum’s language :thinking:

After testing, I confirm that the review is created in English when executed via the rails command.


I18n.with_locale(SiteSetting.default_locale) do
  Jobs::YearlyReview.new.execute(force: true, review_year: 2024)

fixes it.


No, it definitely does I just did it

That’s wonderful. But it defenetly didn’t for me. I’ve tried four times now.

Did you manually publish the first one or did it automatically do it? Do you have a category set? I wait a minute so it’s not generating on the same timestamp not that it should matter but I’d assume all 4 of your tries wouldn’t have overlapped. It makes a new one every single time I run the rails command so it’s a bug on your site specifically if anything.

If you DIDN’T manually generate the initial one then are you sure the command is even working for you (assuming you didn’t)

Last time when I tried if it includes AI-bots too I triggered it close to midnight. At that point scheduler will change next triggering time to same. So yes, I did it manually.

Everything else is right for sure.

Now I deleted the original one and triggered it, and this time the view was strange.

I’ve never seen such owner before.

Anyway, I waited a while and re-run it. No new review.

This time ownership was empty, as usual.

I can’t generate new one, if older generated can be found. Deleting first one (and after that restoration) helped and now I have two reviews. One without staff and one with.

Do you manually trigger the job, or do you run the command mentioned in the first post?

Triggering. I don’t even know how to do it via rails :face_with_peeking_eye:

Thank you! So automaticly it uses the site language and manually always uses English, except if your command is used?

Can this be added to the first post here in the topic for next year?

As I said, the automatic launch does not work here. Last year, the topic is from 3:15am (I would say manually started but not 100% sure) and this year I manually started it at about 3pm when nothing was happening.

Yes, it works like this, and I agree it should be added to the first post.

If by “manually” you mean by triggering the Sidekiq job, it won’t re-create a topic if one was already created for the same year or if we’re not in January.

You can list your yearly review topics with data explorer using this query.

SELECT * FROM topic_custom_fields
WHERE name = 'yearly_review'
ORDER BY topic_id DESC
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That explains a lot. It uses topic ID to know if it can create new one.

Yes through Sidekiq / Rails console.

With “nothing happened” I meant:

Which did not happen…