Discourse Zoom Plugin

Are you on the latest version of the plugin? Zoom blocked SDKs prior to 1.7.5 so you need to be at least on this commit or later.

Yes, that sounds like a very reasonable thing to include in the plugin, I’ll see if I can add this soon.

Thanks Penar, yes I was on latest at the time 3d4baad, I’m upgrading to the very latest now, but those changes don’t appear to be relevant. I would very much appreciate the zoom link option!

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@davidkingham I have just posted a few fixes to the Zoom plugin:

  • there was a bug with webhook events when a webinar starts, that is now fixed, so the “Join Now” button should now correctly reflect the state of the event (with our without the zoom join x mins before start setting)
  • I added a setting to use the Zoom join link instead of the SDK, it is called zoom use join url (default disabled)
  • a recent update in Zoom broke the SDK (again), so I have updated the signature generation, and that should work too now
  • added support for webinars with passwords

Hope this works well now for you and I hope Zoom doesn’t change their SDK abruptly anytime soon. Thanks for your feedback and let me know how it goes for you.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Discourse Zoom validate endpoint URL issue (discourse log shows errors)