Dm from individual but group read in

I’ve recently received a DM and replied to a DM that looked like it was from an individual, but unknown to me until after I had replied … a group was reading the exchange (the view counter went crazy and OP got some likes).

As the person on the receiving end of such a pseudo 1:1 exchange it seems underhand.

Am I wrong?
Should the recipient be given some indication it isn’t really 1:1 and of who will be able to read the exchange?

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Can you share a Screenshot? As after a DM is created fir example a group could be added or was added during the creation.

A group message will often have it’s own mailbox so id created in Group mailbox could be also directed to a specific user with group included.

With your ss you can redact edit out sensitive material. To only show included recipients.

All PMs are visible to all staff members. It’s an important tool when moderating a Discourse instance.

Lots of existing discussion on this subject over the years:

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