DNS Queries with Discourse - Huge Volume

In the last 3 or 4 months my DNS queries seem to have gone through the roof - and now I’m getting charged $70/month from DynDNS (3.5 million queries a month, they tell me).

My traffic as measured by Quantcast.com and Google Analytics is actually down over the same period, but my forum usage is way up - so the only thing I can figure is the increased used on my Discourse forums is driving the DNS overage that I’m now paying.

Can anything be done to reduce the DNS load that Discourse seems to be driving?

70 dollars a month for DNS sounds crazy.

Why not just use digital ocean free dns? If you are already hosting on them.

Or perhaps something like dns simple Domain Name Service Plans - DNSimple that is not going to charge you per query.

Sam - thanks - I like your DNSsimple idea - I’ll move there. The issue is that forums are just a (small) part of my site - and the hosting I have on Rackspace seems to be working well.

I believe Rackspace also provide free DNS if you are hosted with them.

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DynDNS is pretty expensive for what you get.

And I know because we used to use them. $70 per month just for DNS, unless you’re doing something extra fancy and complex with DNS, seems like a lot to me.

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Another option is CloudFlare, which provides free DNS service with no query limits:


Thanks! This is what I’ve done - moved to use the Rackspace DNS - really appreciate the suggestion as it just saved me $18 to $70 a month.

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