DO Storage and uploaded backups not showing

I followed the tutorial exact and everything was in that location, I’ve now started again.

Here is what I have done:

Followed this guide here: discourse/docs/ at main · discourse/discourse · GitHub

Uploaded my backup via SSH to backups/default

Created a snapshot of this point so I can revert if anything goes wrong

I have a volume mounted at /mnt/ ready for a move, when I moved the directories last time I found the following problems:

  • Backup didn’t save to the new volume backup folder (actually couldn’t find it at all)
  • Image uploads just errored out, I’m assuming because they couldn’t upload to the new volume for whatever reason

Were uploads and backups tested with this tutorial here @techAPJ Move Uploads and Backups to DigitalOcean Block Storage

On top of all this, I am having to wait for letsencrypt, I believe this takes a week as I didn’t realise a rebuild would try to get a new certificate each and every time, so I have exhausted my trys, I can not access the site at all until I have the SSL certs, http works for a minute but then it is forced to https meaning I can not register

I used these commands as the tutorial stated:

mv /var/discourse/shared/standalone/postgres_data /var/postgres_data_discourse
mv /var/discourse/shared /mnt/volume_lon1_01