Docker broken on Ubuntu 16.04?

I very much appreciate it.

Actually, I think it’s worth much more than that. But I understand what you’re saying.

To be precise:

  1. I tried to upgrade docker manager via the discourse web-interface and it failed (I posted the errors here)
  2. Then I tried . /launcher rebuild app but it failed and sent me to How do I debug docker installation issues
  3. I then realized that I probably should use a different command because I have separate data and web_only containers so I tried ./launcher bootstrap web_only but it gave me the same error.
  4. I followed the How do I debug docker installation issues instructions. The rest is in the OP.

I guess I’ll try rebooting this weekend when I have the time to fix possible follow problems. Because: no, although I have set up three discourse instances that was years ago and “spinning up a new server and starting anew” would probably keep me busy for an entire day. Pointing my domain at the new IP address alone would be a potential nightmare to accomplish. Or maybe not, but then finding out that it’s not a big deal would also take some time…

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