Docker update broke install (DigitalOcean)

I went into the GUI admin panel today and saw my Discourse install needed to have Docker updated. I clicked the Update button and it seemingly completed its installation as usual. Then I had other Discourse items to update (I cannot recall which) and tried to update one. It didn’t work. I tried another… didn’t work. So I logged into my server (Digital Ocean droplet) and connected via Console. I was greeted with a message that a restart was required, so I restarted.

Then the site never came back online.

I am inside the Recovery Console and it seems like a Docker issue. Running Discourse Doctor, I see:

I have attempted to clean out all Docker files (I have a persistent file at /var/lib/docker/overlay2 that I was unable to delete, but able to move to …/overlay2_backup)

When I try to run dockerd &, I get the following error:

Here is my Docker version:

It seems Docker is not running (as it errors).

Running sudo dockerd --debug, I see:

Can anyone help me get Docker running, please?

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