Documentation for features listed on about page?


Is there documentation available for the features listed on the about page? Specifically, I am interested in documentation that discusses the analytics in Discourse beyond simply the brief description under the Analytics heading saying - “Dashboard for staff that shows key stats on users, topics, and all user actions – along with top referring domains and topics.”

Thank you

There’s an ongoing effort to build documentation for Discourse here - but there’s not much on analytics there just yet.

I think right now if you want to get eyes on what it can do you’ll need to fire up a test install and have a play with the admin tools. Unless someone can point you to something I’ve missed :).


Hello markwilkin,

Thank you for directing me to this resource. I am going to investigate this thread and play around with the tool.

Here’s a screenshot of the admin dashboard here on Meta.

Several stats - e.g. private message counts - as well as the last 2 digits of some stats have been redacted

Hello riking,

Thank you for sending me this screen capture, I really appreciate it!