Does Discourse support ChatGPT or Gemini AI translations?

Hey! I’m looking for a way to translate my English forum into the top 10 languages, but I’m not satisfied with Google Translate and other services supported by the plugin. Any ideas? I even considered adding local categories and exporting translated English posts there, but this way, I’d lose hreflangs and other local elements that are important for local ranking on Google. Thanks for your help!

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I used the online AI tool to do this just for me (presume this uses one of those models). Presume this is a Discourse AI plugin feature.


Obviously that’s not seamless, but definitely a start.

I’m sure there are other options, but thought I’d draw your attention to that as it’s running right here.


Thanks, Robert, but I’m looking for a solution on the server-side. I want to provide 100 English posts in 10 different languages with appropriate hreflang tags and localized content. For instance, if someone is looking for information on how to recover deleted files and they are French, they might visit the English page. However, they would be offered a localized page in French, increasing their interest to read until the end and reducing the likelihood of them returning to Google search.


What you described there on the last reply is a feature we are considering doing as part of Discourse AI.

The idea is to allow site to optionally translate all user generated content to a set of target languages, and show the translated content instead of the original one, allowing seamless conversations to take place across language barriers.

  • Will translated content appear in local search results?
  • Example: Index site on and use Discourse AI to translate to German.
  • Will the translated content show on as native German?

We don’t know, as this feature is still on the plane of ideas. That said that’s is something we should definetly make possible. It may even be automatic as it’s the same thing for both crawlers and anons.