Download backup - email link only

If you’re self-hosted then take a look at using rsync, which will allow you to resume interrupted transfers.


If one wants to download Discourse’s backups regularly, they can set up rClone with a cron task.

You can set up a FTP server on your own computer and configure rClone to copy the backups on your computer this way. Just be sure your computer and your FTP server are running at the time you configured in the cron task.

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Thanks for the approaches. Before some other people were doing the backups. I didn’t want them to reach the host machine directly. Maybe I should change our cooperation later.

Thanks. I will try this.
There are some other people doing the backups before. I didn’t want them to reach the host machine directly. Is there a way to let them be only able to run only rsync command but not able to run any other commands on my machine?

Hi, I’m trying to download backup with python via API but there is an issue with the token, have no idea where from and how to get it.

I can pass my API key, username, and url to build download link (https://{url}/admin/backups/{latest_backup_file_name}?token={token???}

Anyone have manage to do this thaqt way?

I would do it via ssh or some other direct method rather than the API. What problem are you solving?

I’m just building my own bot to manage some thing on forum and now I want to make automatic backups :). I’ve manage to create backup via API and now trying to get them from discourse via API.

But last night found the bypass and now my bot is getting backups from the container it self.

Great! Glad you got it.

That’s what I was thinking. You don’t have to get them from the container, they are in /var/discourse/shared/standalone/backups, but the easier thing is to put them on S3.

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