Can you get the token needed to download backups via the API?

I am trying to download backups via the API, but the docs say it requires a token in order to download the file. But I can’t find any docs and how I can obtain this token via the API. It seems to be present only in the email sent. Is manually downloading the backups via the email link the only way? Or can I obtain the necessary token via API?

Hi @paperdigits :wave: welcome back :slight_smile:

Did you happen to see this topic?

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Yes, I have. So the answer is “you can only get the token from the email,” is that correct?

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You can get the token from rails, though I don’t know how offhand.

What problem are you solving? Are you trying to regularly copy backups to some other place?

I hadn’t seen that, which is very strange, since I wrote it. I thought I’d solved this problem before :joy::thinking: