Duplicate and misspelled topic URLs

Hello community, I have a question regarding topic URLs.

I noticed that a few of my forum’s URLs are duplicates. Well, almost… Some topics exist under two almost identical URLs and the properly-spelled URLs redirect to the misspelled URLs (which always have a random letter added at the end).


You can check these two topics here:

Do you know why this is happening?


The two topics you linked are just one
When you look at the link of a topic, you might notice that it ends with the topic ID, and it’s what Discourse uses to find the topic. If Discourse used the title, the link would break every time someone edited the title.
For example, even this link https://sierraconnect.protoexpress.com/t/-/961 works, because it uses the topic ID (961).


I was talking about the letter “d”, not the number.


It looks like the topic title currently has the typo in it:

Looking at the edit history, it seems you accidentally added the d when recategorising the topic:

If you edit the title again to remove the ‘d’, refresh the page, and copy the link, the title in the link should reflect the edit. :+1:

As Moin said, topic titles can change over the course of time so the actual identifier that Discourse uses to find the topic is the topic_id.


I got every now and then similar but I have quite often n middlenofnwords — I work quite often using iPad and virtual keyboard so my right thumb misses spacebar hitting n instead.

But I have had my fair share of sd and as too — even with real keyboard (and that is one reason why I love fast edit so much).

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This is really weird. I have many URLs like this and it’s not necessarily the letter d. So this is me adding a random letter at the end of the title when I make an edit? Ok, I’ll watch out for this. Thx

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I would hazard a guess that the d comes from the first letter of the Design and Layout category and you’re typing the d to find the category in the drop-down but it’s ending up in the title.


That could definitely be it!