I’m seeing similar error message on update for a site 10 commits behind:
An error occurred: You supplied invalid parameters to the request:
The property at JSON Pointer '/4/text' must be present. The property
at JSON Pointer '/4/title' must be at least 1 character long. The property
at JSON Pointer '/5/text' must be present. The property at JSON Pointer
'/5/title' must be at least 1 character long.
After finding my way into the settings editor (thanks to @tgxworld) I found the problem, I had 2 empty settings for link sections. Once I deleted them, the update worked.
And the new version has a much easier editor. I’m back in business.
@cogdog@tgxworld the forum allows me to post only one link and one screeshot so I’ll have to work around that. Therefor I made one screenshot of the post as I was going to reply. See blow
Hope this helps. Let me know if you need more info.
Thank you!
"setting": "link_sections",
"value": "Shop|About|Contact"
"setting": "links",
"value": "Shop, Shop for products, https://www.domainname.com/en/store/?utm_souce=sfrmftr, blank, Shop for products|About, the Forum is proudly sponsored and hosted by domainname.nl.,https://www.domainname.com/en/store/?utm_souce=sfrmftr|Contact, contact@domainname.com, mailto:contact@domainname.com"
So in the end I just removed the links (not the link sections). Then I was able to upgrade. After while trying to add the links in the new menu it gave met the following error when trying to save with the default _blank target:‘The property at JSON Pointer ‘/1/links/0/target’ must be one of the following [“_blank”, “_self”, “_parent”, “_top”].’
I changed it to _self. Then I was able to save. Afterwards I went back to edit the link and then I was able to change it to _blank as a target and save it.
I had to do the above for each link.
Perhaps the above is helpful in your debugging. Or perhaps it is not because of your component…
Hm, ich cannot upgrade on of my sites and I get the following error:
Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten: Die Migration „0004-migrate-social-links-setting“ ist auf den folgenden Laufzeitfehler gestoßen: TypeError: helpers.isValidUrl is not a function
That is strange as the setup of these sites is quite similar. Any idea?
Hi, thanks for this component, it’s great! Is there any way to replace the very first column with our company logo so that it aligns with the other columns?