eBay Onebox support for alternative URL style

With people searching already for ideas for Mothers Day…
… they are leaning on eBay for great ideas.

One of several that didn’t onebox correctly was this one:



Now you can see the top link is not “oneboxing” as expected and that the 2nd link is for the same product in an alternative style link.

Could support be added for this alternative link style?

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Pretty sure this is opengraph or oembed, and thus has little do do with us… did you test it in the testing tool?

Nope - but have now, it contains:

    "site_name": "eBay",
    "title": "eBay",
    "image": "http://pics.ebaystatic.com/aw/pics/logos/logo_ret.png"

The redirection to the final page occurs in JavaScript.





Yes, my request is support for onebox transforming the known URL that doesn’t work into one that does.

I just don’t know that I consider eBay so central to the web these days that it justifies custom oneboxing.

Perhaps a community PR