Editing a post should make the grey unread count appear in the topic list

I’ve been doing something on our forums which allows for an interesting workaround.

We have certain topics dedicated to software downloads. When a new version is available we do the following:

  1. edit the download topic, adding a link to the new release
  2. add a post to a related ‘release notes’ topic with the changes included in that version
  3. visit other specific bug/feature topics, and close them with a link to the release notes post for that version

In order to make the download topic bubble to the top on edits, I did the following:

  • closed the topic so the only post is the OP
  • deleted the automatic ‘this topic is closed’ post

So now, the first post is the last post, and it benefits from the special behavior where topics are bumped when the last post is edited.

A similar thing could be done for Wiki topics. Discussion about the wiki post could be held in a related topic. If the wiki topic is closed and that automatic message is deleted, then edits to the wiki topic should let it bubble up.