Email confirmation for message posted via email (Listserv-Style)

For those who remain loyal to email and are web-adverse, participating via email only: have Discourse send a confirmation email in the style of ‘Your message has been successfully received’ to confirm receipt. This has been an option with Listserv style lists forever and is very helpful.

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Really? I would describe myself as web adverse, and I have been on lots of lists through my work & life, and I still am on more lists than Discourses :slight_smile: None of the lists I remember had this.

Perhaps what you have in mind is that when you’re subscribed to list, you get a copy of your messages back. But the equivalent with Discourse would seem to be reading your message on the web :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the crowd I’m talking about may be even more web adverse than you, Ian. :grimacing:

This is what I meant:

Ack – Check this box to report on whether or not subscriptions are set to receive an “acknowledgement” message when they post to the list. For example:

Your message dated Thu, 2 May 2002 16:08:28 -0400 with subject “My message” has been successfully distributed to the MYLIST list (123 recipients).

Mailman 2 has this option:

Indeed, I stand corrected.

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To be fair, I imagine most email lists are set up this way.