Email digest having its own colors

For some reason, there is this color in my email background: #052e3d

I don’t know where it is coming from. How do I change it?

email accent bg color is #222b45 which is not working.

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I’m also seeing this. I believe the digest used the value from the default tertiary or quaternary color variable. But now it’s just default blue? Or does it use another variable now? However I couldn’t find it.

The dark mode style seems hardcoded here and I think it can’t be override. Maybe with plugin it’s possible but I’m not sure:


Can it be changed with admin-settings- email accent bg color ?



Yeah the light mode colors have settings but the dark mode colors are hardcoded in the iframe.


Just a little update… I was wrong… it can be override in

/admin/customize/email_style/html and

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OMG I totally forgot about the email style templates! Thanks for the reminder :slight_smile: :clap:

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