Email threading broken

I think it’s not the problem of thunderbird, but of any mail client which supports threading. But I don’t know whether the difference between different informations within in-reply-to and references here may depend on different interpretations.

What I actually see is that you fixed References by now, according to rfc5322:
In-Reply-To: quotes the message-id of the message you reply to.
References: appends the message id of the replied message to the former references

First post

Message-ID: <msg-id1>
…and no References

1st reply

Message-ID: <msg-id2>
In-Reply-To: <msg-id1>
References: <msg-id1>

2nd reply:

Message-ID: <msg-id3>
In-Reply-To: <msg-id2>
References: <msg-id1>  <msg-id2>

However, you broke the message IDs as indicated within

BTW: Is there another bug that marking multiple lines as preformatted text does include the cmd-e marking not once, but many times, for each line one?

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