Emailed notifications of posts include edits of same post as separate 'previous replies'

When I receive emailed notifications of replies to my posts, I see the first paragraph of my post under an ‘In Reply to’ heading, then another full copy of the same post under a ‘Previous Replies’ heading. Is this due to having subsequently edited my original post ?

More importantly, how can I prevent more than a single version (preferably the most recent) of my post being included in notifications? I would rather not be broadcasting the fact that I don’t always pick up on my typos in time!

Also, if we really must show both versions of the same post, and if the first version of my post is truncated, why is the second version in the same notification not similarly truncated?

If the original poster is the only one who ever sees their own posts reflected back at them in two versions that is one thing, but not so good if the same two versions are broadcast to all email-based forum subscribers.