Embed (of any kind) issues

Hi, I tried searching for this type of issue but I didn’t find anything recent, open or relevant enough.

On my Discourse 3.4.0.beta3-dev installation, I’m having random issues in with embeds: afaik only with mobile clients, while trying to link images, webms or youtube links.
I’m not sure if it’s a client issue, I’m assuming it is but I don’t really know how to debug and test.
/logs isn’t showing anything related in the examples I’ve isolated since I noticed the issue.

My hunch right now is that the preview box isn’t loading properly, sometimes, on mobile clients, and it’s what triggers the call to the external domains - but I’ve really looked superficially at what the browser does - considering I’ve never managed to recreate the issue myself.

Do you have any insight or suggestion into what I should be looking for?

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Oneboxes are cooked by the Discourse server, not the browser.


I see.
Is it likely it’s the server-media host communication taking too long?