Embedding an external widget in Discourse

Hi there,
I’m trying to embed a widget that’s connected to our Jira Helpdesk on our Discourse instance but the script isn’t working. You can see it work fine on our content website https://mystrokeguide.com but when I try embedding it on Discourse using the theme editor I get nothing.
Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?


@cokestroke your link (in your post here) to My Stroke Guide site is formatted incorrectly so is not opening up your site…

Also, please provide more detail about how you have tried (i.e. the code you are trying to embed, and specifically what errors you are getting, etc.)

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Thanks @denvergeeks I saw your edit. I’m trying to copy a simple script using the either the Easy Footer or Landing page plugin. I’m copying the code into the head section but it’s not throwing any errors. Just not displaying. I’ve removed the key from the code below but essentially that’s it

<script data-jsd-embedded data-key=" " data-base-url="https://jsd-widget.atlassian.com" src="https://jsd-widget.atlassian.com/assets/embed.js"></script>

I still don’t understand @cokestroke – did you paste that code into the head section of the theme settings, or somewhere in a plugin? Please also provide links to (either/or) the plugin or theme component.

Have you seen this Topic…

Is that what you are trying to accomplish?

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I tried putting the code in the Easy Footer plugin and then tried it in the head of the theme. I’m expecting a pop up to appear at the bottom of the page so people can raise a ticket or ask a question. The Zapier integration would cost extra and might need to have a user logged in to post in the category that would pull requests into Jira Service Desk. I want it to look like it does on https://mystrokeguide.com

I managed to do it by

  • creating a new component and activating it for the current theme

  • going the the Edit CSS/HTML button and pasting the script in the head region

  • Important part was to add the Atlassian URL loading the script to the Content Security Policy script src in the Settings .


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