Embedding Vidyard Videos

Having issues embedding Vidyard into posts. I’m using the embed code from Vidyard but all I get is a still image. Any ideas what can be causing this?

Can you share an example embed code?

<!-- The script tag should live in the head of your page if at all possible -->
<script type="text/javascript" async src="https://play.vidyard.com/embed/v4.js"></script>

<!-- Put this wherever you would like your player to appear -->
  style="width: 100%; margin: auto; display: block;"

That won’t work outside the box.

What you can do is to add https://play.vidyard.com/ to the allowed iframes site setting and then post it like:

<iframe src="https://play.vidyard.com/GzSSMJQQL4b71TFPFaBnwP.html?autoplay=0&custom_id=&embed_button=0&viral_sharing=0&" width="690" height="390" border="0"></iframe>

which becomes:

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