Ember object ownership (getOwner, service injections, etc.)

:warning: Importing getOwner from discourse-common/lib/get-owner is deprecated.

To access e.g. services there a couple of methods at your disposal.

  • In components/controllers/routes you should use service injections
    import { service } from "@ember/service";
    export default class Something extends Component {
      @service router;
  • In cases where a service can be unavailable (i.e. it comes from an optional plugin) there’s a optionalService injection
    import optionalService from "discourse/lib/optional-service";
    export default class Something extends Component {
      @optionalService categoryBannerPresence;
  • In API initializers you have the access to api.container
    apiInitializer("1.0", (api) => {
      const router = api.container.lookup("service:router");
  • And for a direct replacement of an existing code you can use
    import { getOwner } from "@ember/application"
  • …or if you still need the fallback shim (in a non-component/controller/route/widget context) use
    import { getOwnerWithFallback } from "discourse-common/lib/get-owner";

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Last edited by @JammyDodger 2024-05-26T08:06:12Z

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