Emojis update

For licensing reasons, we had to change the emoji sets. The following existing sets have been migrated automatically to a new set:

  • apple → twemoji
  • facebook_messenger → unicode
  • google → noto
  • google_classic → noto
  • win10 → fluentui
  • emoji_one → twemoji
  • twitter → twemoji

On top of fluent ui, noto, twemoji, and unicode, we also added the openmoji set.

Admins can change the set at /admin/config/emoji/settings?filter=emoji_set

If there’s an existing open-source set you would like to see available in Discourse, please let us know.

We understand that changing emojis can be a very visible change, but we didn’t have any other way around it. We prefer to lay a good foundation for the future by only supporting fully open-source sets.


Which one impacts Meta, out of curiosity?

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Meta is using twemoji now and was using twitter before.


Noto Emoji or Noto Color Emoji?


Yes it’s color, my link is incorrect indeed.


Will these affect our self hosted sites?

Why do we need to use images for emoji anyway, can’t we just use the symbols? I’d prefer if they showed in everyone’s native style on their OS.


Do we need to do anything? The selector in the settings looks like this on my instance:

Or is it just so admins are aware of this change, and the deprecated options will vanish without any consequences?

You can entirely disable emojis from the admin settings, but it won’t convert common text smilies such as :) as emojis.
Unicode emojis won’t be converted as images.
The emoji selector will be absent from the composer, which is not a loss on mobiles since all mobile keyboards have an emoji shortcut, but I think most people don’t know how to write emojis on a computer.

Also, cross-linking this as it’s also related to a future emoji set change:

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We have some custom emojis though.

Can’t we do this?:

  1. Don’t convert emojis if someone writes the actual Unicode for an emoji
  2. Still have the emoji picker for custom / desktop ease of use


It’s not that simple for two reasons:

  • different platforms support new released emojis at different speed, so you could have user A on platform 1, creating a post using an emoji available on this platform, which will then be seen by user B on platform 2 which doesn’t support yet the latest emojis released few weeks ago => tofu box (in the world of fonts, “tofu” is a blank rectangular box that appears when a character cannot be displayed).
  • custom emojis. Discourse supports custom emojis which are not mapped to a character and are just images.

No unless you want to change it


I’d like to see Twemoji use Discord’s dialect of it, it had a lot of improvements to faces like the pleading one.


Oooof, really lost some nice emojis. The old one had character - people that looked like people. My users find these new ones blurry for some reason.

question: I have “Standard” on my menu of fonts. Is that the same as Noto?

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… is actually GitHub - jdecked/twemoji: Emoji for everyone. which we are already tracking

Can you point to specific examples?


No, standard is the unicode base representation, they also call it “sample”. I would recommend you try twemoji maybe? Or maybe fluent ui, or noto. Probably all good choices for more character.


I just switched over to Fluent. Reactions are tiny and blurry-ish.


sent you a message but might as well share here. Search for “clear” to see feedback.

The screen shots were made by me changing the emoji set and taking screen shots from the composer window.


This won’t give very clear results for people to compare… maybe someone can whip up a webpage that compares our sets.


you know how it goes…

I picked a sample and made this page (source)


I will look at this in the next 24 hours, maybe theres something wrong here. The only one expected to be smaller is the openmoji set, due to some specific choice they made.


This doesn’t bother me.

Yes, I think we could carry on using :this_style: for custom emoji but just allow the unicode without changes for standard emoji?

Why not?

I absolutely detest all of those open source options. I just want the Apple ones on my Apple device, like I’d see in Messages and in social networks.


Also voicing my support for a native emoji option so we can get Apple emojis back.

Thanks for all that you guys do.